On March 26th, 2011 Cresthaven Post 339, dedicated the Nalcrest Veterans Memorial. There were approximately 100 members of the community of Nalcrest present for the ceremony.
Post Commander John Todd began the ceremony by asking that the flag be raised by the Post 8 Honor Guard under the direction of Burl Thomas, 1st Lieutenant. He then stated: "We are gathered today for a grateful and patriotic duty, to dedicate this memorial to the men and women who served in the Armed Forces of the Unites States of America, and to those who offered their lives in that service."
The 7th District Chaplain, Rev. Eugene Dudley, Sr. gave the invocation (opening prayer). Speakers were: The Chairman of the Polk County Board of Commissioners, Edward Smith; 7th District Commander, Nancy Thomas; District 7 Auxiliary President, Nancy Anderson; Commander Todd; General Manager, Nalcrest, Jerry Kane; Maintenance Manager, Greg Griffith; Post 339's Chaplain gave the closing prayer ( benediction) and all adjourned to the Brennan Building for snacks and visitation.
Submitted by Andrew W. Nagy Department of Florida