On September 25, 2011 Chapter 17 Post 70 Seabrook very proudly presented a check to Beth St.Pierre, manager of the Fisher House Boston for over $4600.00.
This is not much different from what other chapters or organizations accomplish other than the fact that we have not been a chapter for even a year. Chapter 17 formed back in November 2010 with almost 25 members. Right out of the gate every one was eager step up and help where needed. We took a vote and The Fisher House Boston became our number one charity. The Fisher House allows military families to stay for free by their loved one while veterans and active-duty military members are receiving medical treatment
We decided on a poker run and a 250 raffle for our first fundraisers. Each and every single member went above and beyond by getting donations,going over the route each weekend, talking to police departments, making flyers, advertising, planning after ride festivities, selling tickets and the list goes on. We sought the advice from other chapters and all of them were more than happy to help us especially Chapter 9 Epping.
Along with planning our own run, some of our members volunteered to help with the State ALR Run at the same time. Some of our members took it upon themselves to build a beautiful new ALR motorcycle trailer for our chase truck with Old Glory, the POW, Post 70 and our ALR flags flying above it! They used materials donated from area businesses and our Commander from Post 70 Seabrook donated all the flags. The rest of Post 70, the Sons, and the Auxiliary helped with the grill,setting up, and serving food.
It was absolutely amazing what we had accomplished with just three short months to plan. Even with the threat of rain we still had more than 60 bikes and it turned out incredible due to a great group of people. On 9/25 we visited the Fisher House and we were in awe of the beauty and how amazing it is for our military families. It makes me wonder what we could have done with a