The 7th Annual “Hoedown Fundraiser” was held at the American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291 on Saturday, March 3, 2012 with a sold out crowd packing the hall.
The annual event began with the donation of $2,500 from Newport Harbor Post 291 for the memorial to the 26 “Blackhorse Troopers” who were killed in Iraq. The Blackhorse Association, made up of current and former 11th ACR soldiers, was formed to provide scholarship funds for children of the 11th ACR.
Approximately $50,000 has been raised at the Hoedown’s to date to support the Blackhorse Association Scholarship Fund.
Each year, soldiers from the 11th ACR drive in from the National Training Center at Fort Irwin (near Barstow, CA) to enjoy the hospitality shown them by the veterans at Newport Harbor Post 291.
Photo:American Legion Commander Jess Lawson and 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Blackhorse Troopers: Jess Lawson: Post 291 Commander, LTC James Kimbrough, LTC Anthony Howard, 2LT Peter Kim, LTC Brian Robertson, CW2 Jose Torres, Steve Spriggs, former 11th ACR, COL Antonio Aguto, SPC Joshua Spann, Ken Sabo, former 11th ACR, MAJ Terry Tillis