April 30, 2012
On April 14, Vet S O’S from the American Legion 7th District, AL Riders from both 4 & 7th Dist, AL Aux, SAL,VFW P 2420, 4300 Community Organizations such as the Red Cross, Family Readiness Group, hosted a Meet & Greet and lunch and a band, for our local Army National Guard 3116th Battalion and their families out of Lake Wales. This unit consists of Culinary, Supply&Transportation, and Maint Personal, Commanded by Capt. Prichford.
This event was put together with the help of Deanna Morasco from National Guard FRG, AL Post 71 Cmdr Andy Anderson and Post 71, VFW Post 2420 Cmdr Ed Cameron and AL Dist 7 Cmdr Nancy Thomas. Tables were set up with information for the Guard and their families about the various programs of the American Legion, Children and Youth programs and Auxiliary.
District Cmdr Nancy Thomas said “We are here to inform the unit and their families about the help they can receive. To let them know they are not alone out there”. Capt Prichford said “He was very pleased how the community came out to support the unit”.
Sgt Mason was heard saying “How nice to see all the VSO’S here to let us know they are here for us”.
Among the units present were AL Post 3, 4, 8, 34, 71, 72, 118 and 339. Riders Unit 72, and a group from the VFW 4300 out of Sebring Fl. We raffled off a boy’s and girl’s bike. Thank you Post 8 and TDY Room Post 8 for donating the bikes. A little girl won the girls bike and she was so happy. The young man who won the boys bike and his dad were both pleased and thankful. Each child there received 2 toys each, and a boy whose birthday was the day before was presented with a $10 Wal- Mart gift card courtesy of Flash from Post 4 and Riders Unit 72. Flash also took the pictures. Cmdr Andy from Post 71, his wife and the VFW Riders from Sebring did all the cooking.
“We enjoyed doing this for our Guard and thank you for all who donated, helped and just supported the Guard”. Said District 7 Cmdr Nancy Thomas.
Pictured members of 7TH District, photo by Flash Post 4
Submitted by Andy Dept Legiontown Liaison.