American Legion Post 174 Willits, CA hosted the “Veterans History Personal” exhibit at the Mendocino County Museum on Saturday April 28, 2012. The event was attended by many county veterans and their families, members of the Board of Supervisors, Willits City Council and other interested county residents. Museum Director Alison Glassey made the opening remarks, thanked everyone for coming and directed the attendees to ask questions of the Post 174 members that had been instrumental in the evolution of the exhibit.
A very special thank-you goes to the Ladies Auxiliary for providing the finger foods for the event reception. Thank you, also, to everyone that loaned the museum the personal mementos that made this exhibit possible and the opening a success. Additional thanks to Director Glassey for the invitation to participate, Janet Rayner for her constant guidance and efforts in putting the exhibit together, Laura Eventide for her foreign language interpretations that helped put some of the display items in context, and to all the other members of the museum staff that worked so very hard to make this project a reality and success.
Finally, thank-you to the local veterans, their families and other residents that attended the exhibit grand opening; your attendance made all the effort that went into the exhibit worthwhile.
Robert Ireland (PUFL)
American Legion
Post 174 Willits, CA