The 15th District held its annual “High School Oratorical Scholarship Program – A Constitutional Speech Contest” on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at the American Legion Post 5, USS Tampa, on Kennedy Boulevard.
This year the competition was a very close call between five very bright students from the Tampa area.
The top three contestants were determined after tough deliberations to be: Brooke Wade – a 12th grade student of “Wade Academy” in Tampa, Mary Collins – a 10th grade student of “Collins School of Knowledge” in Lutz, and Jenny Chen – 12th grade student at Robinson High School in Tampa. Brooke will go on to represent our 15th District at the Central Area level competition February 9th at the American Legion Post 8 in Winter Haven.
Pictured are the contestants and American Legion representatives as follows (left to right):
Erica Dienes (Bayshore Christian, sponsored by Post 5); Frank Smith (Post #5 Oratorical Chairman); Eunice Butts (15th District Commander); Jenny Chen (Robinson High School, sponsored by Post 138); Brooke Wade (Wade Academy, sponsored by Post 152); James Zipler (Central Area Commander); Mary Collins (Collins School of Knowledge, sponsored by Post 108); Shelli Romeu (15th District Asst Oratorical Chair); Donald Johnson (Post 248 Adjutant); Dana Keller (Tampa Catholic, sponsored by Post 248).
Article and Photo: Shelli Romeu, Post 138, 15th District