Legion Post 42 Visits
Veterans Home ,Collins, Mississippi
Members of American Legion Post 42 of
Ocean Springs visited the veterans home in
Collins, Mississippi on Pearl Harbor Day ,
Friday, December 7th, 2012 and brought a
truck load of clothing, personal care items ,
magazines, quilts, playing cards and other
necessities to our veteran residents.
Established in 1996 the MS State Veterans
Home in Collins ,MS is a state owned
institution, providing nursing care for 150
veterans .The facility is in excellent
condition and the staff is very supportive .
Veterans must be or have been a Mississippi
resident. Peacetime veterans, spouses of
veteran residents, and veterans'
widows or widowers may be admitted based on
space availability. Many of the veterans
arrive at the home medically indigent and in
need of clothing and other necessities. Some
are up in age and have no family to visit,
comfort or help them in any way. The home
provides a necessary need for those often
forgotten and neglected.
Left to right are Post 42 members unloading
supplies were Robert Endt, Jim Nowacki,
Dane and Sandy Reid. Not in picture Dick
Some veterans have friends and family but their
biggest problem is poor health.
American Legion Post 42 is honored to
assist in this way and encourages others,
individuals and organizations to join in this
effort, just contact a care provider at phone
601-765-0519. The home is located at 3261
Highway 49, Collins, MS 39428.
On the way back from the home Robert
Endt, Jim Nowacki and Dick Eckert made a
side trip to Mississippi Armed Forces
Museum at Camp Shelby .Exhibits from all
our wars right up to the present day are on
display . Camp Shelby was established in
July 18, 1917,to serve as a training camp.
Named in honor of Isaac Shelby,
Kentucky’s first Governor, who
distinguished himself during the
Revolutionary War and War of 1812. All are
encouraged to visit this museum to
experience the sacrifice of our veterans to
preserve our freedom on this , Pearl Harbor
Day , December 7th. The Legion stands for
God and Country. We encourage veterans
to join Post 42. We are growing.