Raymond Paul Johnson's new book is an absorbing military and legal thriller inspired by actual events. Ray is a USAF combat veteran of Vietnam who also served as a CIA paramilitary pilot in the "secret war" in Laos and Cambodia. Advance reviews of his "Conspiracy Ignited" include:
"A stellar debut with an intricate plot, fascinating characters...exciting action [and] wartime experiences...as only one who lived them could describe."
- David Rabin, award-winning author of the military thriller "In Danger of Judgment"
"Make room on your bookshelves for Raymond Paul Johnson, the next great voice in the thriller genre. "Conspiracy Ignited" is a barn burner of a book."
- John Gilstrap, "New York Times" bestselling author of the Jonathan Grave Thriller series
"A fast-paced thriller...[and] a secret, dangerous, paramilitary group...[with] no regard for our legal system....Raymond Paul Johnson's protagonist, Eric Ridge, has the necessary combat background...[and] knows what has to be done, knowing that there is the proverbial ticking clock, [a]nd he must put an end to this group...by whatever means."
- Frank McAdams, author of Pulitzer-nominated "Vietnam Rough Riders: A Convoy Commander's Memoir"
"Conspiracy Ignited" takes you to "the ragged edges of justice, war and human resolve" and highlights the debilitating effects of PTSD--years and even decades after service. It is published by Blank Slate Press, an imprint of the Amphorae Publishing Group, an all-veteran, all-women-owned publishing house. Ray's literary agent is Dean Krystek, managing director of veteran-owned WordLink Literary Agency.
First-edition pre-orders are now available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and through the author's website www.RaymondPaulJohnson.com. The author's email is RaymondPaulJohnson@yahoo.com.