I lived in Peoria, Ill., and joined the Air Force July 10, 1951, with my friend Jack Cooper. Basic training was at Sampson AFB, New York, in Flight 510. We were issued O.D. uniforms and later blues. I still have my complete O.D.s and they still fit! I was never stationed in Texas! After basic training I attended radio operator school at Keesler AFB, Miss. At Keesler I received orders changing my rank from PFC to A/3c. My next assignment was at Blue Knob State Park, Pa., as a radio operator.
I was stationed overseas at Thule AB, Greenland, from September 1952 to September 1953. It was a long flight in the C-54. I worked on South Mountain as a radio/direction finding operator. Our radio call sign was XPM50. I saw a flight of three B-36s land. They were huge. I remember C-119s were airdropping supplies for construction of the Dew Line. I also remember Fletcher's Ice Island, T-3, which was a radio/weather station, later abandoned when it floated too close to Russia.
Most of my four-year career was with Airways and Air Communications System (AACS), of which I am a life member.
I was honorably discharged July 10, 1955, with the rank of Airman First Class (A/1c) from Chanute AFB, Ill.
I would like to hear from anyone who may have been stationed at the same places during my time there.