Bob “The Whiz “ Wenz , went to Post Everlasting on April 29, 2020. Born in New York City in 1933, Bob served his country in
the Korean War as a Radio Signal Repairman. After the war, he graduated from Dartmouth College and had a many decades long career in sales for the spirits and wine industry . He was honorably discharged from the US Army Reserves in 1960. The San Francisco Bay area was his home for the majority of his lifetime. He was well read and traveled the world on many exotic fishing and hunting trips. and as a downhill skier! This in a nod to his Norwegian family by marriage, (USN Frank Stern , deceased, 1991, his cousin & adopted older brother, married a norwegian lady after WW2) In his later years, he joined the American Legion nationally at the suggestion of his nephew, David Stern, former US Air Force. Dave is a proud and active member of Post # 43 in Hollywood CA. An avid outdoorsman, Bob will be missed by his many friends and family.But not by Mallards nor trout!