SAN ANTONIO – (Dec. 21, 2022) – Legionnaires of Fred Brock American Legion Post 828 volunteered at the 44th Annual Claude W. Black Community Center Holiday Gift Giveaway at the center located on the East Side.
The giveaway was hosted by the Claude W. Black Center Advisory Board in cooperation with District 2 Councilman Jalen McKee-Rodriguez and the Desert of Texas Charitable Foundation
This year’s event was designed to provide more than 600 low-income families with joy during the Christmas holiday. In addition to toys being provided to children, 20 families had the opportunity to win $50 in H-E-B gift cards.
The giveaway was presented by H-E-B and supported by the following sponsors: Amerigroup, Disabled American Veterans Chapter No. 128, Moussa Temple No. 106 (Prince Hall Shriners), Noble Gentlemen of San Antonio, San Antonio Observer and City of San Antonio Human Services.
The Claude W. Black Center Advisory Board was established to support programming at the Claude W. Black Community Center and to serve as a resource for coordinating community services and fostering partnerships that promote economic self-sufficiency, family strengthening, and enhance the quality of life for children, families and seniors living on the East Side.