SAN ANTONIO – (Oct. 27, 2024) – Members of Fred Brock American Legion Post 828, joined by its Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion, participated in the annual community block party dubbed “HalloEast” on the 600 block of North New Braunfels Avenue.
The four-hour event provided a safe opportunity for trick-or-treating and connected attendees with valuable community resources.
According to Post 828 Commander Burrell Parmer, the event was worth attending.
“HalloEast provided members of the post the opportunity to venture outside the walls of the post and be visible in our community,” said Parmer. “It was great seeing so many children dressed in their Halloween costumes and to pass out some candy.”
In addition to having a booth at the event, Post 828 distributed more than 200 copies of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution to families.
The event, in its ninth year, provided free food and numerous activities such as pumpkin and face painting.
“We wanted to provide a safe place for kids to go trick-or-treating and bring community resources together,” said Lindsey Logan, SAGE’s director of programs and partnerships. “HalloEast is not just about giving out candy, it's about knowing what resources are available for our families.”
Logan continued, “Everyone needs to have the ability to reach out to others who may have resources to better assist them. This could be anything from education, mental health, nonprofits, and from organizations such as The American Legion.”
The mission of Fred Brock Post 828 is to enhance the well-being of San Antonio’s veterans, their families, the military and the community by its devotion to mutual helpfulness.