Francis Scott Key Post Past Commander Keith Clevenger in conjunction with Commander Dave Swiderski and the Post Executive Board will present Inez Foley with a Francis Scott Key Post 11 Legionnaire membership, Legion Certificate of Recognition , and Maryland Governors Citation for her Naval service to the nation from 1943 to 1945 working in Naval Intelligence. This information was brought to light by SAL member Josh Marks after reading an article in a local paper and subsequently called Clevenger to see if Inez was a member. She was a not. Then Clevenger set the wheels in motion for membership and citation from the Post while Marks procured a Governors citation for Ms Foley. Ms. Foley was elated and again stated it was a pleasure to serve her country. She offered advice to the current generation "...we have to deal with politics to keep the country running for better or worse. Stay aware of the state of the nation; be interested in the whole world".
Francis Scott Key Post 11 is the largest and one of the oldest posts in the great state of Maryland.