While going through a box of papers, I found this magazine from 1945; It belonged to my mother-in-law Lt. Edna Jane (Gartley) King; she was a naval nurse stationed in New Zealand; that's her photo with Adm. Halsey. On the back cover was this warning about collecting souvenirs, which I thought was very interesting and worthy of submitting. The warning on the inside of the magazine is also enclosed. What I found particularly amusing was the difference in the services. The Navy warned its personnel. My dad, Sgt. Joseph Orosz Jr., was in the Army Air Corps, 37th Service Squadron (North Africa and Italy), and he was threatened that if he was caught bringing home any contraband he would be serving an additional six months. Whereas my uncle, Sgt. Steve Voytowicz, 4th Infantry Division, brought home loads of souvenirs.
My father-in-law, Lt. Col. Daniel W. King, served in the Headquarters 83 Division, Quartermaster Corps (Mobile); and was stationed in New Guinea and the Philippines; he brought back numerous souvenirs his unit gave to him. My uncle John Orosz was in the Marine Corps and served with S.W.G., 14th Def. Bn., H Btry., F.M.F.,F.M.A.C. on Guadalcanal and Tarawa; his souvenir was malaria, which got him sent home early.
As you can see, my family was entrenched in World War II. Besides that, my uncle Andy Vasko was in the Army and served in Tehran and Italy; unfortunately, I don't know his unit, and knowing him he didn't bring home anything. My uncle Steve Voytowicz's brother-in-law, Andy Pufko, was a cook in the Navy and stationed in Honolulu when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
I am a Vietnam veteran and served as a KC-135 pilot with the 97th Bomb Wing, 4102 Air Refueling Squadron and 307 Strategic Wing.