Registration has opened for the Over-the-Mountain American Legion Baseball team, sponsored by Ryan Winslow Post 911.
This year will be the third for the junior varsity team, which was state champion in 2022. A varsity team will be added this season.
“We offer summer baseball at a fraction of the price of travel ball,” said Alan Phillips, commissioner for Alabama American Legion Baseball.
Phillips said that out of four of the teams that have been in existence in Alabama since 2016, when he became the commissioner, about 200 players have gone on to play in college. Three have been drafted to play by Major League teams, and one won a Golden Glove.
Games will begin June 1, and state tournaments will be in mid-July, Phillips said.
Players can sign up solo, with friends or as a team with a coach, according to Tammy Johnson, Over-the-Mountain team liaison.
“The kids from last year had a good time,” said Johnson. “We are looking forward to an outstanding 2023 season.”
Information on Legion Baseball and signups are available at
“American Legion Baseball is one of the most prominent and tradition-rich amateur athletic leagues in existence. The program is growing in the State of Alabama,” according to the website. “Participation is easy, so there’s ample opportunity for new players to join …”
Post 911 is also looking for individuals to serve as coaches.
For more information on the Over-the-Mountain baseball team, contact Johnson at