The Americanism winner is shown for the whole month on two TVs in the post. It runs several times a day.


John J. Morris Post 62 honors Peoria Centennial High School with Americanism Award

Peoria, AZ

On Oct. 1, John J. Morris Post 62 honored Centennial High School with our Americanism Award as business of the month for October. The high school has livestreamed our Veterans Day ceremony for over five years. The football team came to the post on Mother's Day weekend to help us distribute around 30,000 pounds of fruit and vegetables to the community. Those young strong men were a welcome sight to all our veterans. The school had a salute to service for veterans and first responders at their first football game. Centennial has truly stepped up to be a true partner to our post.

Post commander and publicity/public relations vice chair present award to the leadership team at Centennial High School.

Monthly award presented to the top business in our city that supports our post and all veterans in general.

The Centennial Coyotes are honored as the pride of West Valley with being named the winner of the Americanism Award.
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