It was a beautiful day on March 30, 2013, one that I am sure that the Vietnam veterans will never forget. For the first time New Hampshire officially welcomed home those who served their country in Vietnam.
In 2007, both the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate passed resolutions proclaiming March 30 the official “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.” One of American Legion Post 39’s members, Steve Winter, was the House sponsor of Senate Bill 398, a bill “proclaiming March 30, 2013, as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.”
The bill was signed by Gov. John Lynch on June 13, 2012, to acknowledge and commemorate the military service of American men and women in Vietnam.
The ceremony took place at the New Hampshire Army National Guard hangar at the Concord airport. More than 2,000 veterans and their families were able to attend this ceremony and heard presentations from New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, U.S. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte, and U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter along with other dignitaries.
Some of the New Hampshire Legionnaires present were (L to R) Gerard Leduc, Bob Blais, Kevin Murnane, Bill Roy, Tony Rabbia, Department Commander Ken Maynard, Gerry Bernard, Todd Connor, Jim Krajniak, Randy Marcotte and Bob Dionne.