On 31 May 2010 Post 34 Downey-Weaver leads a Memorial Day Parade. The parade starts out in front of the Carolina-Richmond fire house and ends at a memorial at the center of town. In the parade we have Boy Scout Troops, Girl Scouts, Junior Auxiliary, Auxuliary Members, SAL Members of Post 34, Legionaires of Post 34, Jr. Vice Commander Dept. of Rhode Island, two marching bands from Chariho High School and Middle School, fire trucks, vintage cars, horse drawn wagons, minature train, clowns and more marchers. At the middle of the parade we hold a ceramony to honor those who have given their all to protect our country, we have a rifle squad,Taps, and a wreath that gets thrown into a river, as a prayer is said. At the end of the parade we hold another cermony for all veterans with a prayer and taps and rifle squad. Then local politicians give a short speech. All the kids get soda, water, and hot dogs. After this everyone is invited back to Post 34 for hamburgers, hor dogs, clamchowder, and drinks. Our parade is supported by the towns of Charlestown and Richmond. The parade is about a mile and half long with people lined up along the parade route showing their support for veterans.The pitcure shows some of our members,unit,jr. aux.,SAL members and family. Thank You For God and Country Senior Vice Commander Dept. of Rhode Island