On May 25, 2018 several family and friends gathered at the home of Walter and Carol Huff. Carol is a Presenter of the Rancho Bernardo, California Chapter of Quilts of Valor. Cadets Michael Grato and Marisa Houry from Ramona High School Navy Junior ROTC were on hand to assist with the special recognition of United States Navy Vietnam Veteran Robert Michael Thweatt, Commander, American Legion Post 332 Ramona.
During the presentation, Carol shared some important words from one of our Country’s Founding Fathers, President George Washington, who said in 1789:
“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive how the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”
In accordance with President George Washington statement, Mike was recognized and honored with a patriotic Quilt of red, white and blue made by Quilters all over the country who are a part of the “Quilts of Valor®” foundation. The Mission of Quilts of Valor® is: “to cover those service members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor®.” The volunteers of Quilts of Valor® feel deeply the desire to go beyond words and present tangible, physical evidence of their appreciation. Their further desire is that the fight for our freedom, safety, and peace will not be in vain in our lives or the lives of our loved ones.
The Quilt presented to Mike is a red, white and blue patriotic quilt made entirely by volunteers and provided through: Sandra McCullough, Group Leader of the Quilts of Valor® Rancho Bernardo Chapter*
Mike’s Quilt was presented at the request of his lovely wife Kathi. Those attending were honored to thank him with a Quilt of Valor and all thanked Mike for honorably serving his country during Vietnam in the United States Navy from August 1965 to November 1968.
During this time, Mike served on the USS Bexar APA-237 that transported Marines in and out of hostile fire. In Vietnam he was exposed to Agent Orange. He completed his military service on the USS Amphion AR-13. He was stationed at the SSC (Service School Command) Naval Training Center in San Diego, California. And he served as Captain H. K. Wilson’s Driver.
Mike didn’t stop there, he also served and continues to serve his community and fellow Veterans in civilian life:
Since 1998 you have been a participant in the Palomar Voiture 1406 non-profit organization that was established in 1950 to serve the Veterans and communities in North County.
(1996 – 2002): For five years you were the American Legion Commander of Lakeside Post 364.
(1997 – 2000): You served concurrently as Chaplain of the American Legion 5th Area 22nd District.
(2004 – 2005): For one year you were American Legion District Commander of the Department of California Area 22nd District.
Since 2003 to the present you have represented American Legion Post 332 Ramona as Chairman for Boys State and Liaison for the Ramona High School Navy Junior ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps).
You belong to the American Legion Past Commanders Club and are a Past President.
(2005 – present): You the current Commander of American Legion Post 332 Ramona and have served in this position for over 12 years.
(2014 – present): Co-Founder and Organizer for Operation Flap-Jacks a breakfast to honor Veterans in Ramona, CA planned through American Legion Post 332 Ramona and Family 1st Financial Solutions.
As a part of honoring Mike with this Quilt from a grateful nation, we thank him for his Service to Preserve Our Freedom and present him with a Quilt of Valor Foundation Certificate. We all want to personally thank you, Mike, and on behalf of the United States of America and the Quilts of Valor Foundation®, for your service to our Country and we thank God for protecting your life so we are able to know you and your wonderful wife and friends and to be able to make this presentation.