Howard Shaver of Midland, Mich., joined the Army in Pontiac, Mich., on Nov. 21, 1941, and served four years in the 740th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion. He shipped out on the Santa Paula and landed in England and eventually moved to France, Belgium and Germany. He served in Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland and the Ardennes. His unit landed on Omaha Beach 17 days after D-Day and his younger brother, Stanley, landed on Normandy Beach shortly thereafter. He was in the Battle of Saint Lo, saying they lost a lot of men. He was discharged Nov. 18, 1945, receiving the Good Conduct Medal, the American Theater Campaign Medal, the European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal. He was the mess sergeant and said it was a hard job but better than standing guard. After returning home, he and his wife, Dot, moved to Michigan and bought a farm. He and Dot raised two daughters, Maude and Barb. While farming, he also worked for the Dow Chemical Company and in 1957 they moved to Midland, where he still resides. He retired from Dow in 1980 after 34 years of service. His wife passed away in 2011 so his youngest daughter lives with him; she says he is in remarkable shape physically and mentally for being 100. I am so proud of him, says Barb. He has lived through so much.