In November, after I submitted the article “Post 603 postpones 80th Anniversary Commemoration of Pearl Harbor Day” (page 16 of December 2021 issue,, I got bombarded by many veterans to not cancel the event. Thanks to many volunteers, we were able to pull off a memorable event on Dec. 7. Our guest speakers included Consul General of Japan Hiroshi Kawamura, Vallejo Mayor Robert McConnell, and fellow Legionnaires District 5 Vice Commander E. Paul Ball, District 5 Chaplain Paul Del Rosario and Post 603 member Luther Hendricks. Please view the video at
Whereas, on Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, 1941, the United States of America was catapulted into World War II - the greatest conflict the world has ever known - and we mark this 80th anniversary by remembering the 16.1 million that served - of which 291,557 were killed-in-action, 113,842 died-in-service, and 670,846 were wounded-in-action – and we profoundly honor the remaining 240,000 living and the 234 dying each day; and
Whereas, 75 years after the end of World War II, we also celebrate with our original allies as well as our then-fiercest adversaries around the world because today, we are partners in sharing the post-war prosperity resulting from our renewed friendship, shared sacrifices, and global alliance; and
Whereas, thousands of Vallejo residents answered America’s call for service during World War II by joining the Armed Forces or by working at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, the Benicia Arsenal, and other military industrial facilities; and of the over 405,399 men and women that gave the ultimate sacrifice to our great Nation, 228 of those heroes are from the City of Vallejo, and today as our beloved city is home to over 7,400 Veterans, we honor and recognize all of our Veterans’ service, valor, sacrifice, and immense contributions; and
Whereas, we are grateful to the World War II generation - also known as the “Greatest Generation” - because they carried our country through some of our darkest as well as our brightest moments, and we also thank their families and friends who served behind-the-scenes and also sacrificed on the home front to support and care for our Veterans; ...