Perhaps I may be dismissed as a curmudgeon, but I think many of these things also annoy many seniors.
Let’s start with TV. You get a monthly bill which goes up every year. The cable channels charge your provider with a bill for each subscriber. This started when they were just starting up and had no advertisers. Today, they have plenty of advertisers which brings up another point. A 30 minute program has about 20 minutes of content or less. A 90 minute movie takes towards 3 hours to watch. Then there are those annoying logos that are in the corner of your picture. Plus, now they have ads in the other corner advertising another program. This past week, it was reported that re-runs are now sped up so another commercial can be snuck in. How greedy can you get?
We are also tired of reality shows. Yes, they are cheap to produce, but most are stupid. They insult our intelligence.
PSB is still a bright spot for education and entertainment. Some Congressman want to defund it as the don’t like news programs. Let’s not see that happen.
Schools have eliminated shop and economics programs. Why, may I ask? I think it’s great that kids learn how to handle tools and do home repairs, like glaze a window or fix a leaky toilet. How about cooking for both boys and girls and sewing.
When I grew up, the boys in our neighborhood were busy building and flying model planes. Many were also involved in HAM radio. Schools encouraged these activities and kids got interested in engineering. A local HAM Club offered a program to our local school back in PA. They were told sorry. It’s not part of our curriculum. Yet, we are daily being totally involved in a wireless society.
Why is it that now school superintendents usually don’t have an educational background. Then we wonder why they get fired so often after a year or two and the taxpayers get stuck with a large severance pay-off.
Kids use to come around and ask if they could cut your lawn or wash your car. Now, It’s adults cutting lawns as a full time job. Even families with teenage kids have to hire adults to cut their lawns. What’s wrong with that picture?
The fashion today is for young men to have a 5 o’clock shadow look. My dentist passed away and his replacement came in with that look. Sorry, you look like a slob who just got out of bed. I found a new dentist.
The rage is texting. I see people doing it while driving and others walking down the street, not watching for others. Why must we dodge them, either as pedestrians or drivers?
California has it right for a change. They banned plastic bags. They are a pain for our streets and landfills. Plus, death to fish in the oceans and lakes. Then, the clerk usually puts one or two items in a bag so you walk away with 5 or more bags that would fit in one paper bag. We want our paper bags back.
On the right side of a car’s steering wheel is a lever that works directionals. Why is it so hard for so many not to use them. Why do I have to guess which way you are turning?
I also have a big problem with the pharmaceutical industry. We are bombarded with ads every day that encourage us to ask our doctor if their product is right for you. Then they quickly tell all the possible side effects the product might have. Doctors, if you ask them, also hate those ads. Then there is pricing here in America vs the rest of the world. Here is an example. My wife recently needed a drug for a knee operation. Her doctor told her at a pharmacy here in the US, it would be $1200.00 and not covered by insurance. He suggested she call a pharmacy in Canada, which she did. They only charged her $199.00 and the drug shipped from Turkey. When she received it, the label indicated it was made in Ct., USA. So, why do Americans have to be the sole bearer of these costs? After we see these ads on TV, on comes a lawyer telling us if we took that drug we might be able to sue the company if we had a bad reaction.
Sidewalks. Remember when we had sidewalks? Then the developers talked planning boards not to require them in new developments. They saved money and we landed up with fleets of school buses as kids could not walk safely to school. Another plus for sidewalks is you got to know your neighbors.
Politics. Money, money, and more money. In January 2015, the campaigning for November 2016 was in full swing. Guess who we elect must listen to first, you or the big money donors. Then Congress wonders why their approval is so low. Last year, they were in session for 140 days on the basis they want to be back in the District to hear from you. At one time, they did with Town Halls. My last 2 Congressmen went to telephone Town Halls. They call you at dinner time, and only answer questions they agree with.
We ought to take a cue from the English. They are allowed to campaign for 30 days and spend a maximum of $15,000.00. That’s for an MP, which is like our Congressman. Let them debate on Public TV and radio. Naturally, the broadcasters lobby would never allow this as it’s a big money maker for them.
In 2014, it became even worse at limits were all but taken away. Let them know we want a change in the time and money spent on elections and to come to the district and meet with the people. Otherwise, let’s vote them out.
Last, but not least, Robo Calls. At least once a day, I get these. Usually, from the same two companies. Why may I ask? If we have a do not call policy, why is it the FTC cannot shut these companies down? Where is Congress getting the job done?
These are just a few. The point is in many ways we are ruining our quality of life and we must change if for only the future generations to come.