The American Legion Post 155 family in Crystal River, Fl., will honor all veterans on Memorial Day, May 31, with services at three different cemeteries, then services at American Legion Post 155. That will be followed by a Memorial Day picnic and party at the post.
During the ceremony, which starts at 11 a.m., there will be guest speakers, Crystal River mayor Ron E. Kitchen Jr. and retired Army Col. Curt Ebitz, and a presentation of a community proclamation designating the city of Crystal River a "Legion Town" by Mayor Kitchen.
During Memorial Day weekend, the American Legion Post 155 Honor Guard, members and American Legion Post 155 Chartered Boy Scout Troop 370 will make rounds with Memorial Day Services at three different Cemeteries.
Each memorial ceremony will start with an opening prayer and a 21-Gun Salute, followed by Taps - in memory of our fallen heroes. The entire Legion family will be on display, with various members of American Legion Post 155, Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion and Legion Riders members placing American flags on veterans' grave sites.
The services will be held in front of American Legion Post 155. Services will begin with Post 155 Americanism Chairman Steve Mikulas opening the ceremony to honor all past and present veterans; with Chaplain Garry Justice offering an opening prayer and each dignitary speaking, as well as American Legion 4th District Vice Commander Jay Conti Sr.